After January being such a dark, grey, cold and wet month, many of us can feel ourselves struggling with the winter blues! Self care has taken a backseat. Experiencing feelings of depression, S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder) tired or lethargic?

Does that sound familiar?

We’ve given ourselves time to recoup after the December madness of shopping, social gatherings and over indulging in glorious food.

February is the the time to start to feel more connected, engaged and alive!

Lets put the blanket away and the tv remote down. It’s time to shake off the January blues and get back out there connecting, interacting, laughing and having fun!


Love isn’t just for the people who are “in love” with partners, husbands or wives. Love is something we can experience on our own, with friends and family. Connection is very important to everyone. Without connection we can start to feel lonely and feelings of depression and disconnect start to sneak in. It can then feel hard to pull ourselves out of the loneliness. It’s important to shift our energy before we start to feel like this. Self care is so important. 

Self care is LOVE. Even if you’re on your own or with significant loved ones, you can love yourself with acts of love! One thing I hear from people is, “Oh I love doing that, but I haven’t got anyone to do it with”. Now granted some things you don’t want to be doing on your own, as they may be dangerous or its just not a happy feeling  doing it on your own. This month its time to do it for yourself and love yourself, because you’re worth it!

There are still many things that can bring you joy and happiness. They don’t have to be big things. Small gifts of love to yourself can be as simple as:

1). Taking a bubble bath with your favourite music or book.

2).Going for a walk and inviting a friend  to come along with you. You can even borrow the neighbours dog. See how many people you can stop to connect with along the way.

3). Paint night! Invite some friends or go along and connect with new people.

4). Book yourself a spa treatment. 

5). Go out for your favourite meal.

Valentines day is coming up. What wonderful ways could you show yourself some love and connection? You can be single or in a relationship. Either way its not an excuse to not show yourself some love. Do something fun, just because. It doesn’t need to be expensive or a big effort. Get creative with some ideas of celebrating love towards yourself! Feel the shift of energy, enjoy the shift of energy but most of all…

GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION to connect and receive love! 



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